Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Nativity on Christmas Day

CHRISTMAS DAY: Degario Pedro (Usher), Aldrine Theodore (Altar Server),
Fr. Rusk Saburo (Pastor), Lahaina Pedro (Altar Server), Fito Yangilmau (Usher)

CHRISTMAS DAY: Aldrine Theodore (Usher), Fr. Rusk Saburo (Pastor), Lahaina Pedro (Usher)

CHRISTMAS DAY: Susan Leong venerating Baby Jesus

CHRISTMAS DAY: Blandina and her 84 year old father, Florentin Yangilmau

Monday, December 27, 2010

Advent Retreat - Young Liturgical Ministers

The young liturgical ministers: altar servers, ushers, choir, eucharistic ministers and our pastor Fr. Rusk took some time off for a whole day of just praying in preparation for Christmas in Ngaraard. The day was filled with praying rosary, singing, adoration of the blessed sacrament, confession, and holy mass.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wedding of Jennefer Ileoursug & Hilary Raichy Jonas

It was a joyous day for Jenny and Raichy as they Exchanged Vows. The wedding celebration was officiated by Fr. Rusk Saburo at Santa Maria Pillar Church on Sunday, October 24, 2010 on the island of Sonsorol. After mass, Jenny was all in tears. . . oh, the tears of Joy! Congratulations to you both Jenny and Raichy! May our Lord bless you with his Love throughout your married life.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Yes, it is Good News! The lease has been approved. The building permit is now being processed, which may take a month or two. Our architect feels that it may be the end of November or early December and we begin the construction.

Please continue to pray for the success of our building our new church. Thanks to you all who have been very generous in helping with our fundraisings in the past. With your help, we have raised a little over $250,000. The cost of the new church is about $327,000.

In the meantime, we still need to fundraise to meet our goal of $327,000. Of course we need everyone's help. So on November 21, 2010 we'll have our annual Thanksgiving Fundraising. Please help and donate toward our thanksgiving fundraising. Raffle tickets are available at the Catholic Mission Office, Phone: 488-2226.
If you wish to make a donation, please mail your donation to St. Joseph Church, Attn: Fr. Rusk Saburo, P.O. Box 128, Koror, PW 96940.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Holy Communion at St. Joseph Church

Proud parents, godparents, friends and everyone in the church witnessed 14 young children receiving their first holy commuion on a beautiful Sunday at St. Joseph Church on September 5, 2010.

Front Row l=r: Nicole (daughter of Mercis & Elmis); Aurora (daughter of Julie & Sabino Sakarias); Britney (daughter of Sheila & Lee Pedro); Deanna (daughter of Festina & Donato); Sade (daughter of Rngei Taima); Jerry Ngiraremiang (son of late Valeria Pedro); Carson (son of Diana & Kurtis Ngiralbong); Leodegario (son of Quintina & Leo Pedro). Back row: Blandina (catechism teacher); Lilihi Albis (daughter of Monica Albis); Lea Josol (daugher of Jennefer Ilouriusiugiu & Leo Josol); Aprilyn (daughter of Festina & Donato); Fr. Rusk Saburo (pastor); Quentin (son of Grace & Nikki Andrew); Cahlvis (son of Diana & Kurtis); and Fito Yangilmau (son of Jacob Yangilmau)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


These are the young kids who are preparing themselves to receive their First Holy Communion on Septembe 5, 2010. Please remember them in your prayers. The following are: Nicole Franco, Lilihi Albis, Fito Yangilmau, Calvis Ngiralbong, Leodegario Pedro, Jerry Ngiraremiang, Britney Pedro, Carson Ngiralbong, and Aurora Sakarias. Missing in picture: Sada Taima, Deana Donato, Aprilyn Donato, Quentin Andrew, and Leah.


Tanya has been so gracious to take the time to teach these young kids basic catechism and basic reading and learning how to write and learn alphabets. These are some of the kids who attended the pre-school catechism: Tahaserimeng Albis, Malik Aquino, Kaweo, Danny Boy, DonCarlo Juanito, Leana, and Chloe.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Our beloved Pilom is leaving us to the land of opportunity of United States. Congratulations to you Pilom on your new career and new life.

In 1999 Pilom was only 26 years old when I got to know her. There was the plan to build a new church but we had no idea how to raise the money. And one evening we were just chatting and Pilom and Pasquana came up with a bright idea. . .Valentine's Program. And that is how the fundraising of the new church all began. Ever since the Valentine's Program in 1999, Pilom was always there teaching the young kids dances, decorating the stage, serving food, and everything that needs to be done. She was always there.

Pilom is very active and involved in the church activities from choir, leading the very young kids caroling in the wee hours of five in the morning on Christmas Day.

Pilom is known to everyone as the friend to the very young and to the very old. Always happy and young kids like to hang out with her because of her friendly and easy going personality.

Pilom is the one to take the young kids in the pick up trucks and go in the jungle to get the ferns to decorate our church. Pilom stays up till morning decorating our church for Easter and Christmas.

Pilom is known for making our church beautiful on big Holy Days of Easter and Christmas with her touch of decoration.

St. Joseph Church thank you and we will all miss you. May our Lord bless you and grant you a successful new life in San Fransisco, USA.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A very big THANK YOU to all who made our 2010 Fiesta Fundraising a success. We were able to raise $19,000. The grand prize winner of the Car was Florentin Yangilmau, an 84-year old parishioner. He donated back the car to the church.

The winners of the cash prizes were: Helen Yamada Ngiraidong $1,000; Usher Oedro $500; Adelina Bemar $250.

Congratulations to all the Winners!

The fiesta fundraising could not have been as exciting without the kids entertainment. Thanks to all the young kids with their entertainment.