Monday, October 4, 2010


Yes, it is Good News! The lease has been approved. The building permit is now being processed, which may take a month or two. Our architect feels that it may be the end of November or early December and we begin the construction.

Please continue to pray for the success of our building our new church. Thanks to you all who have been very generous in helping with our fundraisings in the past. With your help, we have raised a little over $250,000. The cost of the new church is about $327,000.

In the meantime, we still need to fundraise to meet our goal of $327,000. Of course we need everyone's help. So on November 21, 2010 we'll have our annual Thanksgiving Fundraising. Please help and donate toward our thanksgiving fundraising. Raffle tickets are available at the Catholic Mission Office, Phone: 488-2226.
If you wish to make a donation, please mail your donation to St. Joseph Church, Attn: Fr. Rusk Saburo, P.O. Box 128, Koror, PW 96940.