Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It was a Joyous Day for everyone at St. Joseph Church!  The Choir was at its best with something new this Christmas, Kaipo with his Bango added more to the sound of the Choir.  New members of the choir were Kaipo and Chake.  We thank Pasquana, Charmaine, Keolani, Regina, JR, and Austin who did an outstanding job in decorating our Church.  It was breathtaking!  Merry Christmas from all of us at St. Joseph Church.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

St. Joseph's 2011 Annual Thanksgiving Fundraiser

Our church community is inviting everyone to come and enjoy the Thanksgiving Fundraiser to be held on Sunday, November 20, 2011 from 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm.  Please bring your family and friends for a great afternoon filled with entertainment, raffle drawing and Thanksgiving Lunch.

The young children have been just practicing their dances to entertain everyone during the fundraising event so please come and join everyone for a great Thanksgiving fundraiser.

If you want to make donation or for raffle tickets, write St. Joseph Church, Attn: Fr. Rusk Saburo, P.O. Box 128, Koror, PW  96940 or you may email Blandina at blandina.stjoseph@gmail.com.

Monday, October 3, 2011

CONGRATULATIONS! Young children receiving their First Holy Communion at St. Joseph Church September 4, 2011

Cherry Steven, Christina Kilmede, Jenny Cyrillo, Nyaa Moses,
Taylor Talid Albis, Tyler Tahas Albis, Vladmir Moses, Usher Pedro

Tahas, Usher, Vladmir, Nyaa, Jenny, Talid, Cherry, Christina

Front to Back:  Talid Albis, Nyaa Moses, Jenny Cyrillo and Christina Kilmede

L-r:  Tahas Albis, Zenaida Tan, and Talid Albis

Front to Back:  Tahas Albis, Vldamir Moses, Usher Pedro and Cherry Steven

Monday, May 16, 2011

St. Joseph's Fiesta Fundraising 2011

A big thank you to all who made our 2011 Fiesta Fundraising a successful one.  We raised $18,500.

Grand Prize Winner Gloria Oiph with Fr. Rusk Saburo posing with the 4x4 Toyota Hilux

2nd Prize Winner Matthew Cruz, Manager of Bank of Guam

First Lady Valeria Toribiong enjoying dinner with Angeles Yangilmau, Jotelin Oruetamor, and Sr. Esther Nestor

The BarBecue Crew Moses Tarkong and Leo Pedro. 

Jotelin Oruetamor and Dilang Sumor. 

The young children entertained the crowd with their dances.  You can view their dances in the video post.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


EASTER VIGIL:  Fr. Silito Tupou and Johnny Ray Albis

EASTER VIGIL:  Johnny Ray Albis and Fr. Silito Tupou

EASTER VIGIL:  JR Albis and Fr. Silito Tupou

EASTER VIGIL:  Fr. Silito Tupou

EASTER VIGIL:  Candle Lights

EASTER VIGIL:  Candle Lights

EASTER VIGIL:  Fr. Silito Tupou, Devon Tirso, and JR Albis

EASTER VIGIL:  Jotelin Oruetamor baptized. 

EASTER VIGIL:  Back L-R Steven Ierago, Angeles Yangilmau, Fr. Silito Tupou
Front L-R:  Josepha Kintoki, Talid John Albis, Florentin Yangilmau, Christina Kilmete, Blandina Yangilmau

EASTER SUNDAY:  Lisa Petru' son baptized.

EASTER SUNDAY:  Christina Kilmete and Fr. Rusk Saburo.  Christina receiving her First Holy Communion.

EASTER SUNDAY:  Fr. Rusk with the whole family of Christina.
L-R:  JR, Austin, Christina, Florencia, Leiloha, and Fr. Rusk.


Tekuu Sumor, Eucharistic Minister/Lector; Blandina Yangilmau, Eucharistic Minister/Sacristan; Fr. Rusk Saburo, Pastor

Easter at St. Joseph Church . . .