Thursday, August 9, 2012


Everyone had a great time.  Families with their children winning prizes and prizes from all the games from Water splash, water dunk, card dart to the bounce castle.  The most popular was the playing card dart manned by Keolani and Lahain, water splash, water dunk, bean bag toss.

Degario Pedro enjoying the Water Splash.

Kelenei Kintaro assisting Buhumalei and Gabriela to be splashed.

Frudencio Antonio and Leo Pedro

Marlene Theodore, Jenna George, Wynona Terry cheering Mika.
Camera shy winner with parents
Elsei Tellei painting Westin Andrew's face.
One of the popular fun games was the Water Dunk.  Dilang Sumor was the artist, painted the sharks.   She did a great job!
Lilihi Albis manning the Prize Booth! 
Masao Umedib and Joey Sumor racked in 500 redemptive tickets to win a toaster.  Congratulations to these two smiley and happy winners!
Kids lining up for their cotton candies.
Family visitors from Washington State enjoying the carnival with the parishioners.
Johnny R. Albis manning the Ring Toss game.
Kelley Emilio manned the Bean Bag Toss.  One of the popular fun games.
These young dancers entertained the carnival crowd in the evening.  Front l-r: Doncarlo Juanito, Lianna Ramirez, Fidilari Mobel, Bea Juanito (so cute, only 3 yrs old).  Back l-r: Chloe Patris, Grace Sabaquia, Talid Albi.
A big thank you note to all the big donors and sponsors who made the Summer Carnival to be successful.  Surangel and Sons donated the Grand Prize - brand new boat and WCTC-game prizes.

Big donors are the following:  Valeria Toribiong, Tommy Remengesau, Jr. Regis Akitaya, Kerai Mariur, Jackson Ngiraingas, Celestine Yangilmau, and many others who donated in-kind  and money. 

With everyone's help and donation, the Summer Carnival fundraising turned out to be a big success.  We raised $8,165.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The summer carnival turned out be a very successful one.  Famlies bringing their children to enjoy the day with fun and games.